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RNMG Privacy Policy

Updated Febuary 11, 2023

This Privacy Policy explains how RightNow Media Group and it's brands collectively “ we” or “ us” collect, use, and share information from or about you when you use our websites other digital services, or if you engage in business with us,


This Privacy Policy applies to the RightNow Media Group And It's Services. Any additional privacy terms that relate to specific products or services should be read in conjunction with this Policy.


As a entertainment company. we offer RightNow Media Group products through a wide range of businesses and under many different brands. Here's a list of our RightNow Media Group Brands, here .

  • Personal Information We Collect And Purpose
    Contact and account registration information For example: name, email, postal address, telephone number, account user name and password. Provide Services Personalize your experience Send you RNMG marketing and advertising Provide seamless experience across platforms Safety and security Identification information, and demographics, and interests For example: as permitted by law, date of birth, race*, ethnicity*, gender, interests, lifestyle information, school and sports information, photos, social media credentials, including identification information about friends, contacts or referrals you provide. Provide Services Personalize your experience Send you RNMG marketing and advertising Provide seamless experience across platforms Safety and security User-generated content For example: photos, videos, audio, and other information you may submit to us, such as comments on our forums. Provide Services Personalize your experience Send you RNMG marketing and advertising Provide seamless experience across platforms Safety and security Research and feedback For example: comments that you send us through online forms and social media platforms, by email, over the phone, by mail, or in surveys. Provide Services Personalize your experience Safety and security Audio and video For example: audio recordings of customer service calls or security video footage if you visit one of our properties. Provide Services Personalize your experience Safety and security Information we collect automatically from you and/or your device: Connection and Usage (including information collected through cookies) For example: domain names, browsing activity, scrolling and keystroke activity, advertisements viewed, forms or fields you complete or partially complete, search terms, whether you open an email, content you view and duration, quality of the service and interaction with the content, logs, and other similar information. If these events occur while you are offline, they may be logged and uploaded to us when you next connect. Provide Services Personalize your experience Provide seamless experience across platforms and devices Safety and security Send you RNMG marketing and advertising
  • Children
    Most of the RNMG Services are intended for users over the age of 18. Information about the practices of RNMG Services directed to children under the age of 13 in the United States or 16 in the European Union.
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